relationships are the turning point
Pinwheel Consulting
Strong businesses are founded on high-functioning teams. They’re places where people trust one another, leading to high levels of commitment, high levels of satisfaction, and high levels of productivity.
A dynamic work culture like this isn’t accidental. It’s developed.
Leaders in these places understand that people are powered by different motivations. Leaders take the time to understand these differences because they value a team that works well together knowing the payoff is better performance.
I’m a coach with expertise in relationships. I’m a licensed and practicing therapist with over a decade of experience helping organizations and hundreds of people shift out of blocked relational patterns.
Why does team culture matter? Because a healthy culture leads to:
Willingness to take risks
Dedication to goals
Clarity of purpose
Strong productivity, creativity, and results
Strong sense of meaning from work
High morale, leads to low turnover and reduced hiring costs
Conversely an unhealthy team culture leads to:
Fear of failing/being exposed
Low risk-taking, reticence in sharing ideas
Lack of buy-in to shared goals
Low energy (quiet quitting)
Lack of clarity around direction
Low productivity and results
Gossiping and unproductive venting
Weak sense of meaning from work
Low morale, leads to high turnover with increased hiring costs
Any time is the right time to invest in your team, but particularly after bringing on new hires, after disruptive events such as a reorganization or bringing your team back to the office, and when you need to develop better understanding between workers of different generations.
I’m a certified coach for the PRINT® assessment and a team member of RJCG, a consulting group focused on organizational development. We’ve helped dozens of organizations attain much better performance.
For businesses looking to build team relationships and catalyze on everyone’s motivational blueprint, I leverage the PRINT® Survey with my expertise in relationships to achieve the following:
enhance team collaboration and performance
expand leaders’ skills
resolve interpersonal conflicts and blocks
What you get:
Individual reports revealing each team member’s unconscious motivators with a 1:1 debrief
Team Blueprint: revealing what the individual results mean for the team as a whole
Workshops: new insights and positive change across the board
In partnership with Rick John Consulting Group, I have had the pleasure of coaching and presenting workshops to:
Multiple Sclerosis Association of America, partnering with the Universities of Texas Austin and Houston
Knudsen Winery
Ponzi Vineyards
Prime Forest
Studio Petretti Architecture
The Board of Directors of the Willamette Valley Wineries Association
The Hollywood Theater, Portland
Trust lies at the heart of a functioning, cohesive team.
Without it, teamwork is all but impossible.
— Patrick Lencioni